Tessa Posthuma de Boer
Actually, Tessa Posthuma de Boer (Amsterdam 1968) is not a photographer. Tessa is a painter without a brush, a writer without a pen. She does not register what is already there, but records a world she has created herself. Her images are fairytale-like, moody, but also soothing due to the careful compositions and strong atmosphere. After studying photography at the Gerrit Rietveld AcademIe in Amsterdam, Tessa worked for years as a portrait photographer. She photographed for newspapers and magazines, had countless writers in front of her lens and published several books, including the book ‘222 writers, literary portraits’ together with her father, Eddy Posthuma de Boer. In recent years, Tessa has been making almost only autonomous work, which is regularly exhibited at home and abroad. Besides her more conceptual work, she also makes many still lifes, especially of flowers. However, there is no frumpiness in these images. Through Tessa’s lens, even flowers acquire a cast-iron atmosphere and radiance.