Jonathan Mechanicus
Having built successful careers in audio postproduction for television and video editing for TV commercials, documentaries and music videos; Jonathan then embarked on his photographic career in 2005. Mechanicus is a versatile visual composer. In both his photography and his film installations, he skillfully creates a unique tension between light and dark. Those with an eye for detail will notice that his work offers more than just an intriguing play of lines. His distinct focus on the world around him is translated into his own unique visual language, consistently surprising the viewer. As an artist, he is driven by his highly developed intuition, which enables him to flawlessly capture beauty in his images. Sometimes raw, other times intimate, but always exuding strength. Mechanicus invites you to pause for a moment, while his work remains in motion, never losing sight of its essence. A maximum effect with minimal means. Mechanicus shows the heart of the matter. His work intrigues and abstacts and thereby creates its own dimension.