Ernst Yperlaan
In these times of unprecedented technological progress, we seek a counterbalance in the form of nostalgia, craftsmanship, nature, spirituality and new inspiration. Thus, Ernst Yperlaan‘s work is an escape back to romanticism in the tradition of Dutch landscape painters with a touch of magical realism. With years of experience, Ernst captures the raw, untouched beauty of nature through a lens that emphasises the interplay of light and shadow. His landscape photographs express the purity of nature surrounded by the vagaries of the elements, which also show how small and de- pendent humans are in it. The contradictions that appear in this work symbolise a balance and a new form of respect that we urgently need to find to safeguard this earth and its nature for future generations.In his series of Amsterdam cityscapes, he follows in a long tradition of capturing the beauty of the city. The period image often defined by the people, clothing or means of transport in the picture. In Ernst‘s works, the locations are stripped of their contemporary noise and the human elements and symbols of our consumer society. This creates a timeless alienation, giving Amsterdam‘s locations back their iconic sheen they deserve, creating an alienating magical-realist image of see- mingly Amsterdam cliches.